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Project Done By: Clinton Oduor, Edison Ngunjiri, Aron Ayub.

An intelligent device that monitors the conditions of distribution transformers in Real Time. Currently there is no visibility of the condition of transformers, nor their individual performance. This means that some distribution transformers could have been unknowingly overloaded with the potential to reduce their life expectancy, while on the other hand, some could have been under-utilized, tying up capital unnecessarily. Furthermore, there is no way of front-footing supply issues or power failures, meaning they only come to light when a customer complains. This has affected the ability to respond quickly to customers, potentially putting their daily operations at risk from potential power outages. Some of the larger customers operate factories, airports and hospitals, so we are acutely aware of the need to find a smart, cost effective and efficient solution. The use of intellivolt smart sensors will also help drive significant cost savings and remove guess work. With intellivolt electricity distributors will now be able to triage, and dispatch targeted technical support where it is needed rather than tying up staff on routine maintenance when it is not needed.

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